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Wall Paper Date: 1/11/2021 More Info

MRP Mrs. Watkar


1. Project report No. 1st/2nd/3rd/Final _____FINAL___

2. UGC Reference No. _________ 47-1505/10(WRO)_____________

3. Period of report: from _______29.03.2011   to   29.03.2012_________

4. Title of research project __"Study of Plasma Progesterone Concenterations of corpus luteum

                                                           in the microchiropteran bat Hipposideros Speoris (Schneider)

                                                           during estrus and pregnancy period”.


5. (a) Name of the Principal Investigator__Mrs. Amita Manish Watkar

    (b) Deptt. and University/College where work has progressed _________

            Department of Zoology, Bhalerao Science College, Saoner (Dist. Nagpur)

6. Effective date of starting of the project___ 29/03/2011  __

7. Grant approved and expenditure incurred during the period of the report:

a. Total amount approved Rs. ___ Rs. 105000/- (Rs. One Lakh and five thousand only)

b. Total expenditure   Rs.70052/- (Rs. Seventy Thousand and Fifty Two rupees only)

c. Report of the work done: (Please attach a separate sheet)

i. Brief objective of the project -The dynamic characteristic of corpus luteum, plasma progesterone studiesis of great emphasis in the “Biology of reproduction” in the order Chiroptera.

The fine study of the corpus luteum of Hipposideros speoris (Schneider)is of significant value for correlating its steroidogenic capacity as well as it is the first kind of work in the order Chiroptera.

 ii. Work done so far and results achieved and publications, if any, resulting from the work (Give details of the papers and names of the journals in which it has been published or accepted for publication   NA

iii. Has the progress been according to original plan of work and towards achieving the objective. If not, state reasons

--- the progress is according to original plan of work

iv. Please indicate the difficulties, if any, experienced in implementing the project__

1)  The only difficulty was the visits to different places for data collection of field visits. - Here because of my work load of the teaching in my institute and also the work of my Ph D research it was not possible to take out more time for the field work.


Report of the work done

       The project report for the first year work has been mentioned here. As the title of theproposal submitted for minor research project is"Study of Plasma Progesterone Concenterations in the microchiropteran bat Hipposideros speoris (Schneider) during estrus and pregnancy period” to carry out the work the main difficulty arises in getting the animals for every time, because the animals live in caves and the people who can catch these animals are highly paid workers. Mainly the study was carried out by taking two different conditions of the animals. Out of the two conditions one was progesterone level during estrus period and other was during pregnancy.

 In the first year the survey of literature and data collection was carried out by visiting the nearby libraries and the departments and contacting the peoples working in this field. The visiting to the far places was not possible. The books were purchased and journals were subscribed by giving order.


Name and Address of the Principal Investigator__Mrs. Amita Manish Watkar

 Department of Zoology, Bhalerao Science College, Saoner (Dist. Nagpur)

 47-1505/10(WRO) on dated ...........