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Wall Paper Date: 1/11/2021 More Info

MRP Mr. Barbate


1. Project report No. 1st/2nd/3rd/Final _____ Final__________

2. UGC Reference No. _________ 47-1024/09(WRO)_____________

3. Period of report: from _______27/11/2010   to   27/11/2012_________

4. Title of research project __"Studies and analysis of industrial effluents of paper mill & crude oil industries in Saoner region: Effect of treated water on nearby water bodies”

5. (a) Name of the Principal Investigator__Mr. Milind Premdas Barbate

    (b) Deptt. and University/College where work has progressed _________

            Department of Zoology, Bhalerao Science College, Saoner (Dist. Nagpur)

6. Effective date of starting of the project___ 27/11/2010  __

7. Grant approved and expenditure incurred during the period of the report:

a. Total amount approved Rs. ___ Rs. 50000/- (Rs. Fifty thousand only)

b. Total expenditure   Rs.39813/- (Rs. Thirty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Thirteen only)

c. Report of the work done: (Please attach a separate sheet)

i. Brief objective of the project –Awareness of society about disposing off of industrial effluents

-          To save the soil and water bodies from pollution

-          To observe the effect of industrial effluents on the properties of the nearby water bodies.

ii. Work done so far and results achieved and publications, if any, resulting from the work (Give details of the papers and names of the journals in which it has been published or accepted for publication

__The research papers are published and some findings are reported in the same papers.

 iii. Has the progress been according to original plan of work and towards achieving the objective. If not, state reasons --- the progress is according to original plan of work

iv. Please indicate the difficulties, if any, experienced in implementing the


1) While implementing the project the main difficulty raised was the visits to different places for data collection of field visits. - Here because of my work load of the teaching in my institute and also the work of my Ph D research it was not possible to take out more time for the field work.


Report of the work done

          As the title of theproposal submitted for minor research paper isthe" Studies and analysis of industrial effluents of paper mill & crude oil industries in Saoner region: Effect of treated water on nearby water bodies " mainly the study was carried out by taking examples from two different companies.

                  The survey of literature and data collection was carried out by visiting the nearby libraries and the departments and contacting the peoples working in this field. The visiting to the far places was not possible.

         Out of the two cases taken for study, one is effluents of Paper Industry in the Saoner region, where physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed.   Firstly the example of Paper Mill was considered under the title:-“Annual changes in physic-chemical parameters of the effluents of pulp and paper mill in saoner region”.

Maximum effluent temperature (37.8c) was recorded in the month of May and minimum (30.6c) in January. Electrical Conductivity was maximum (3.991mg/lit) in the month of November and minimum (1.661mg/lit) in May. Highest pH value (7.4) was recorded in the month of September and lowest pH value (5.7) in the month of March. However these values are in permissible limit. DO of the industrial effluent was found to be nil and therefore below permissible limit in all the months which indicated a high pollution load in the effluent. BOD value (1140mg/lit) is recorded in the month of November and the minimum (537mg/lit) in the month of April. COD of the effluent was maximum (5800mg/lit.) in November and minimum (1260mg/lit.) in the month of April which is beyond the permissible limit of WHO (2003). The value of total phenols in the effluent sample was maximum (0.83mg/lit.) in the month of November and minimum value (0.30mg/lit.) was recorded in the month of April. The value of chloride of effluent was maximum (1850mg/lit.) in the month of November and minimum (560mg/lit.) in April. The value of sulphate was maximum (1210mg/lit.) in the month of May and minimum (370mg/lit.) in August. Oil and grease present in effluent was maximum (44mg/lit) in the month of August and minimum (10mg/lit.) in March. In conclusion it can be stated that the different studied physic-chemical parameters of the effluent such as temperature, electrical conductivity, BOD, DO, COD, etc. there is variations in the values of the parameters if compared with the standard values. So it is highly necessary to treat the effluent with proper procedure before using it for drainage or domestic application.

Out of the two cases taken for study, another is effluents of Crude Oil Industry in the Saoner region, where physical, chemical and biological parameters were analyzed.

             Monthly variations among the physicochemical parameters of Adani Wilmar Oil Industry:-“Analysis of physic-chemical parameters of effluents from crude oil industry in Saoner region”.

                        Maximum effluent temperature (39.8c) was recorded in the month of May and minimum (32.6c) in January. Electrical Conductivity was maximum (4.224mg/lit) in the month of November and minimum (1.327mg/lit) in May. Highest pH value (7.6) was recorded in the month of September and lowest pH value (5.3) in the month of March. However these values are in permissible limit. DO of the industrial effluent was found to be nil and therefore below permissible limit in all the months which indicated a high pollution load in the effluent. BOD value (1520mg/lit) is recorded in the month of November and the minimum (439mg/lit) in the month of April. COD of the effluent was maximum (4700mg/lit.) in November and minimum (1300mg/lit.) in the month of April which is beyond the permissible limit of WHO (2003). The value of total phenols in the effluent sample was maximum (0.88mg/lit.) in the month of November and minimum value (0.38mg/lit.) was recorded in the month of April. The value of chloride of effluent was maximum (1910mg/lit.) in the month of November and minimum (630mg/lit.) in April. The value of sulphate was maximum (960mg/lit.) in the month of May and minimum (270mg/lit.) in August. Oil and grease present in effluent was maximum (84mg/lit) in the month of August and minimum (25mg/lit.) in March. 


Name and Address of the Principal Investigator__Mr. Milind Premdas Barbate

 Department of Zoology, Bhalerao Science College, Saoner (Dist. Nagpur)

27/11/2010 on dated ...............